Call to End Speciesism

The Vegan Society Aotearoa is joining forces with a worldwide movement to end speciesism. This is the 8th year that the campaign has been running and it is bigger than ever, with events taking place all over the world. Millions of compassionate people will take part in marches, talks, film screenings and other events to highlight the cause on 27th August.


What is speciesism? It is the belief that some species are more worthy or more important than others. Some animals we pat and allow into our homes, others we eat, others we kill for all kinds of reasons, including their appearance or they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. New Zealanders think of themselves as an animal loving nation, but it is unlikely all the animals would see it that way. Dogs and cats might agree, but possums and cows would have a different story to tell.


New Zealand is one of the worst offenders in speciesism, with various creatures being labelled as “pests” and targeted for killing with cruel poisons. Who gets to live and who gets to die seems to depend on their ability to produce profit for humans. Even the profit-making creatures have a sad story to tell, especially the dairy cow, who spends her winters staggering about in mud, whilst heavily pregnant. Then her baby is taken away from her and most likely killed within a couple of days, just a waste product. 2 million of these unfortunate babies die every year.


“Most of this animal suffering is human caused and completely unnecessary, which is why this day exists,” Claire Insley, media spokesperson for the Society said, “we would like people to think of all animals as equal and having an equal right to life as humans. Most of them are sentient beings, capable of feeling emotions and pain, it is time humanity stopped putting itself first.”

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