Cheeseburger Pie Wins Vegan Pie Awards

In the seventh annual Vegan Pie Awards held on World Vegan Day, 1st November, at Kind Café, the Supreme Winner was an innovative Cheese Burger Pie from the multi-award winning Richoux Patisserie, based in Ellerslie, Auckland.

The judges – who had to taste test their way through 72 different pies from across the nation – claimed it to be a fantastic concept, well-executed tasty pie with a beautifully cooked pastry.

Master Baker Jason Hay has done it again, in addition to winning the Supreme title, Richoux Patisserie is also home to the winners in the Vegetable and Steak and Cheese categories and the Supreme pie was entered in the Café Boutique category, making a total of 3 category winners and also runner up in the Sweet and Steak and Cheese categories! If you are passing through Ellerslie, this bakery is well worth a stop.

Another favourite winner, for the Commercial category, was Kai Pai of Wanaka, who bake a delicious Roast Veg Cashew Curry pie, one you’ll find in the freezers of many supermarkets across Aotearoa. Kai Pai are consistently recognised in the Awards and a firm favourite with the judges.

The illustrious judges who had such a difficult job to do were Award stalwarts, Food and Beverage industry expert Aaron Pucci and Jasbir Kaur, President of the NZ Chef Association in Auckland, amongst a host of other talents. Along with Brad Jacobs, co-owner of the Coffee Club who has helped out on the Pie Awards many times and newcomer Kylie Alla, who is currently writing recipes for My Food Bag.

The full list of winners and runners up are:

Supreme Pie

Richoux Patisserie Cheese Burger!
Judges said: So innovative! A fantastic concept, well-executed! A tasty pie! Beautifully cooked pastry – home to a yum surprise!

Wholesale Commercial
Kai Pai Bakery; Roast Veg Cashew Curry
Judges said; A generous pie. Great presentation. Morish curried veg filling. Good flavours well-balanced. Enjoyable texture to eat.

Runner up
The Goodtime Pie co. Butta Chicken
Judges said; Rich savoury flavour with solid meaty pieces. Visually appealing with herb and seed garnish. Tasty gravy filling the pastry nicely. 
Vegan Chicken
Piccolo Morso; Butter Chicken
Judges said; Nice flavoured pastry. Filling flavour well balanced with a nice even consistent texture.
Runner up 
The Pioneer Pie Company; Butter Chickenless
Judges said; Pastry crispy. Nice appearance. Filling smooth and creamy not overpowering.
Richoux Patisserie; Green Curry
Judges said; Flaky flavoursome and delicious. Great presentation and eatabilty. Balanced and well- cooked veg filling with great flavour houses in flaky golden pastry.
Runner up
Taste Café and Bakery; Amok Vegan 
Judges said; Generous and tasty looks great. Well-filled veg pie with simple classic presentation. Tasty pastry. 
Vegan Mince and Cheese
Fairlie Bakehouse
Judges said; Nice flaky pastry. Funky design on top. Mince well seasoned with generous cheese. 
Runner up
Euro Patisserie Torbay
Judges said; Really nice appearance. Shiny glossy pastry. Filling well- balanced with a dent amount of cheese.
Vegan Steak and Cheese
Richoux Patisserie; Jalapeño Steak and Cheese
Judges said; Succulent and spicy filling with golden flaky pastry casing. Well done! Great height and a flaky result of a traditional pie top. Tasty twist on a classic flavour without straying from the expected. 
Runner up
Richoux Patisserie
Judges said; Classic and rich steak and cheeses and very moorish. A beautifully presented pie with a great visual appearance inside and out. A representation of the classic steak and cheese flavour.
Fairlie Bakehouse; American Pumpkin Pie
Judges said; Nice pastry tender and golden. Visually appealing filling. Well-balanced, not too sweet with a nice spice level.
Runner up
Rainbow Kitchen; Pumpkin Satay 
Judges said; Beautiful pattern on top. Creamy filling. Generous size. Nice use of whole foods.
Cafe Boutique
Richoux Patisserie; Cheese Burger
Judges said: Fantastic concept and deliciously executed. A tasty pie! Beautifully cooked pastry- home to a yum surprise!
Runner up
Tart Bakery; BBQ Cheese Steak
Judges said; So tasty with deep BBQ flavours. BA big flavour! This pie has a nice to eat flavour with well-layered pastry. 
Wild Grain Bakery; Vegan Peach Blueberry and Passionfruit
Judges said: Presentation and appearance beautiful. Tender pastry.  Filling not too sweet. Abundant filling.
Runner up
Richoux Patisserie; Apple Rhubarb Crumble 
Judges said; Presentation very appetising. Sweetness very well balanced. Gorgeous pinky hue. Abundant fruit filling. 

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Where to find the pies!

 Wild Grain Bakery
16 Wainui Road, Silverdale, Auckland 0932
Gilmours  –Wholesale Food Supplies
Blissful Health and Vegetarian Shop
Richoux Patisserie
119 Main Highway, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051
Gilmours, Bidfood and
Kai Pai Bakery
17 Frederick Street, Wānaka 9305
Food First
Night and day
Goodtime Pie Co.
Extensively stocked around NZ, in dairies, supermarkets, Bin Inns, petrol stations and cafes.
Piccolo Morso
573 Devon Street East, Fitzroy, New Plymouth 4601
Pioneer Pie Co.
Puti Puti Ra Organic Health Food Shop, Whangarei (Gluten Free Vegan Pies)
Taste Cafe
1 Crayford Street West, Avondale, Auckland 1026
Fairlie Bakehouse
74 Main Street, Fairlie 7925
Euro Patisserie Torbay
1028 Beach Road, Torbay, Auckland 0630
Rainbow Kitchen
Nelson Markets
Appleby – Connings Food Market
Auckland – Commonsense Organics
Christchurch – PIKO Wholefoods
Motueka – Revite Café
Mount Manganui – Be Organics
Napier – Chantal Shop
Nelson – Organic Foods Store
New Plymouth – Down to Earth Organics
Palmerston North – Organic Buzz
Queenstown – Soulfood
Tauranga – Simply Organic
Takaka – Organic Shop
Waipara – Pegasus Bay Winery
Wellington – Commonsense Organics
Tart Bakery
555 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021