We're stronger with your help.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership
Joining The Vegan Society of Aotearoa helps us promote and support veganism across New Zealand.
Please complete the form on this page only if you would like to pay for your membership via DIRECT BANK TRANSFER.
This form is for student membership or holders of a gold or community card.
Please make your payment of $40 to:
BANK ACCOUNT NAME: Vegan Society of Aotearoa
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 38 9011 0049679 00
IMPORTANT: Use the name you have submitted in this form as reference.
How your membership helps us.
The Vegan Society of Aotearoa supports and facilitates a vegan lifestyle and plant-based eating by creating a vibrant, visible and influential community, and by providing resources and information. Whilst campaigning primarily for veganism and animals, we reject all forms of discrimination and oppression towards our fellow humans. Your subscription, no matter the option you choose, helps us achieve this and much more. Your membership cost helps fund our society activities so we can continue to advocate, offer education and support the transition of animal agriculture towards being plant-based.