September is Diet Change for Climate Change Month

September is Diet Change for Climate Change Month

Eat right for the environment!

Each day a vegan saves 4164 litres of water, 18kg of grain, 3m2 land and 9kg of CO₂ and of course, one animal’s life. Want to see the impact of how much you’ve saved over your vegan lifetime?

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Each vegan meal eaten is an animal’s life saved – one less animal who is bred into existence purely to be eaten by humans.

In terms of looking after our planet, there is no doubt that veganism is the best diet that a human could adopt.

Not only that but it is really easy to start growing your own veggies, no matter how little space you have. Whether that’s a pot of herbs on your windowsill or a complete veggie garden full of legumes, vegetables, herbs, fruit trees and every type of plant you can eat!

Is veganism really better for the environment?

Growing plants for humans to eat will always be a better environmental option than feeding and raising an animal to eat their flesh or their products.

From a purely logical and physics-oriented perspective, growing plants is far more cost effective, in money, energy and everything else.

Many plants do not require very much in the way of inputs, but they all intake carbon dioxide and output oxygen. This is something the planet needs more of. Some plants require more inputs such as fertilisers and water, many plants grow better in some climates than others.

Aotearoa could easily grow 10 times more edibles than it does currently, as much of our fertile land is not being utilised.

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