Nau mai ki Te Ara Whekana!
We've gathered these resources to help you on your vegan journey!
Here you’ll find information and inspiration to help you navigate your way through veganism, all from a Māori perspective.
There are recipes, stories, advice and more.
Kia pai te haere ~ have a good journey.
Māori Vegan Profiles
Katie Brown (Ngati Whatua, Ngāti Raukawa)
When did you go vegan, and why?
“In 2019, initially for health. After losing my father to bowel cancer I wanted to nourish my body after an incredibly difficult time. I had also been raised to be a fierce protector of the environment – so for Papatūānuku, too.”
Pere Huriwai-Seger shares some kōrero on hauora from a vegan perspective.
Looking for support?
Unsure about something? Check out our FAQ page where our team members respond to the questions we're often faced with as Māori vegans.