Veganuary 2024


Free recipe e-book for all challengees!

For those wanting to increase their healthy habits for 2024, here’s a challenge that offers increased heart health, cancer and diabetes prevention and no cholesterol! The Kiwi Veganuary is an opportunity to sow the seeds of change and eat better during 2024, by following the easy vegan, plant-based or Pasifika challenge during January.

This year participants will receive a free Summer recipes ebook ~ a compilation by Kiwi and Aussies chefs.

Every year more people join Veganuary around the world, 78% of last year’s participants have gone on to make significant changes in their diets over 2023. Record numbers have signed up this year too, with 45 countries taking part in the initiative to encourage eating more plants. Last year many large UK companies also took up the challenge in the workplace.

After the Xmas splurge, many people want to get into the summer with some healthy habits and increasing vegetables in the diet is a great start to heart health. Studies show that eating more than 7 portions of fruit and vegetables every day has many potential health benefits, such as cancer prevention, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, to name a few common health problems.

Whilst exercise plays an important part of a healthy lifestyle, it is key to the body’s performance to keep fruit and veg intake high.

What better way to start the New Year than with the Vegan Society’s 21 Day Easy Vegan, Plant Based or Pasifika Challenge!   Join up any time from now until 10th January and receive great advice, tips, and recipes for going vegan. Participants will receive a daily email giving them a meal planner for the 21 days, access to a mentoring group on Facebook, just for new beginners, recipes for the day and shopping tips.

The challenge can be taken at a pace that suits each person and the opportunity to pick up some great skills, new ideas for cooking, innovative taste sensations and a wonderful new habit of bringing more vegetables into the diet. Stay subscribed to the monthly newsletter for more tips, recipes, and information about veganism.

For even more interesting ideas for recipes check out Vegan and Plant Based Living magazine, available at some Countdowns, Pak n Saves, Whitcoulls and select health food shops.

Sow the seeds of change into a new and healthier lifestyle for all ages to enjoy. To sign up to the challenge go here:

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