The long-awaited vegan pregnancy guide is now available in print format as an A4, four page coloured brochure.
Ideal for doctors, nutritionists or childcare outlets or anyone who wants to have a vegan nutrition reference on hand whilst they are pregnant.
Eating well during hapūtanga is of course, crucial for the long-term health of both mum and pēpi (baby). A plant-based diet can meet your nutritional requirements provided you eat a wide selection of foods from all the right food groups, and supplement with key nutrients.
The Vegan Society of Aotearoa has worked alongside Dietician Sandra van Lill, BSc, Dip Hosp Diet, MSc Nutr, MSc Health Science – to create a valuable resource for plant-based pregnancies. Furthermore the resource has been peer-reviewed as part of the consultation process, by Doctors Mark Craig and Luke Wilson, Doctors for Nutrition, the Paediactric team at Dietitians NZ, the NZ College of Midwives, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynacologists, and the Paediatric Society of NZ.