7 Day meal plan
Your quick ‘get-started’ 7 days full meal plans.
Your easy 7 day meal plan
Your Pasifika 7 day meal plan
Feel ready to keep going?
Check out our 21 day dinner plan or click links on this page to join a 3 week challenge!
Want free help from mentors and dieticians?
Join one of our 21 day vegan challenges.
The 21 Day Vegan Challenge is designed to help you on a pathway to a kinder, healthier and more planet-friendly lifestyle. Sign up for FREE and receive daily emails with EASY meal plans and delicious recipes, tips on eating out, nutritional information, a helpful list of what to shop for and lots more!
We will show you convenient substitutes so you can continue enjoying the foods you love, answer all your burning questions in our supportive and private Facebook group and for some inspiration, we will introduce you to some Kiwi champs from all walks of life who have chosen to be vegan too. Add some Islander flavour to your cooking and choose our Pasifika Challenge to receive delicious recipes from everyday Pasifika vegans.